Sunday, December 26, 2010
Why Am I Here?
Been doing alot of thinking lately.It's a dangerous thing for me.Sometimes my mind ponders so many things that it is hard to put my thoughts to words.I'm not one of those people that make snap decisions about anything. Instead I think and I think and I think. Clark started that at a very young age and I remember wondering why he was like that.....hmmm, guess the apple doesn't fall far from that tree. Anyway, there's been alot going on in our home. Some good and some not so good. Our granddaughter makes the sun shine a little brighter and my step a little lighter. I feel so very blessed to have this time with her at such a young age. She is such a treasure, But I also know this is a very crucial time with her. As the mother of grown children I have come to realize that there are many times when your kids are young that you literally waste valuable time that should be spent teaching them valuable life lessons.There are many things I would do over if given the chance. For example: I would do a better job at teaching them to love others as Christ does. Not to judge but to see the best in others. I would be more diligent in teaching them to be kinder to others. You never know what people are going through. You never know what hurts they have.Bottom never know. I would take more time TEACHING them to be respectful, to be considerate, to be more loving to the people that are hard to love. I'd do better teaching them that the way people dress has no bearing on who they are. I'd spend more time teaching them that EVERY detail of our life is important to God.I'd work harder at teaching them that they should respect themselves beacuse they belong to Him. They are precious masterpeices.I would teach them earlier to start praying at a young age for the mate the Lord has for them. He created us and is concerned about all that concerns us.I'd make sure they were watching when Paul and I were kidding with each other and enjoying each other's company. I would be more vocal about how much I love their father and how much he sacrifices everyday to take care of us.I would teach them to think more about others than they think about themselves. I would teach them to be wiser than I was with money.I would teach them to give more freely and expect nothing but God's blessings for doing it. My list goes on and on as you can see. But the bottom line is this...I don't get any "do-overs".All those days and hours I wasted are gone. All that time I didn't think I had to spend with them back then is lost. Are you wondering what my point is? Well, here it is.God is not a god of coincidence. He is a god of purpose. He has a purpose for me and for you. Before the beginning of time He ordained it that I would be the mother of Clark, Anna and Laura. He knew there would be things I succeeded at and things I would need to work on. He knew my failures and rejoiced when His plan was accomplished through me for Him. He wanted me to do a better job at teaching these things better than I did. He thought I was the best person for the job.All that to say, don't waste your days, your hours, your minutes. Ask the Lord to show you what His purpose is for you, not only with your kids but with your life. Where does He need you to be and what does He want you to do? Don't make the mistakes I've made and look back wishing you could have some "do-overs" with your children or all the important people in your life. Time is a precious commodity and we never put the value on it that it should have.The only true "do-overs" we will ever get are the second, third and fourth chances the Lord gives us everyday.That is nothing more than His grace. And THAT my friend is what I've learned along the way...take it for what it's worth.